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Case Studies

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Online Portal for accessing complex compliance requirements on real time

Real-time Online Portal for Telecom Accessing

About the Customer & Project:


With 30 years of proven expertise, Customer is consulting firm in the telecom industry, for areas like market entry, product planning, and state and federal regulatory compliance. They offer information tools, effective compliance strategies to companies ranging from small entrepreneurs to large facilities-based global communications providers.

For one of their target segment, customer maintained a complex and comprehensive Excel spreadsheet that contains information related to state and federal regulations applicable to Wireless providers. There was need to innovate and offer information tool that can hold, display and update the information and at the same time make it available online.

Tech Stack

Angular JS v6
MSSQL 2017
Dapper ORM (Object Relational Mapping)


#webapplicationdevelopment #AngularJS #Dappler #Telecom #Compliancetools #Legacymigration

Process Undertaken & Solution Developed:

  • There was a need of detailed analysis of the existing data, format and its delivery process.
  • Based on the spreadsheet provided, the UX and CX team created wireframe design for quick inputs of Customer team.
  • After the initial wireframes, detailed designs of each of the distinct pages were designed. This provided a clear view of what will be developed and available for customers.
  • A clear technical solution was envisaged by technical architects and full development stack was decided - looking at the future possible scaling up of the the project.
  • Reusability & Scalability: Team proactively also kept in mind several other spreadsheet products used by customers. This consideration was important because the architecture of the product has to allow future reusability. Meaning quick replication of the this new system to roll out newer products.
  • Team of programmers were deployed to start the features and module development.
  • Team came up with very intuitive and user friendly UI, navigation and update notifications mechanism - providing a great value to the new Information Tool.
  • This opened up possibilities to visualize and plan for more such systems and client could demonstrate leadership & innovation on such information tools

Customer Requirements:

The client had comprehensive excel spreadsheet which was maintained and updated since about 10 years. This spreadsheet contained comprehensive information related to Federal and State regulations pertaining to wireless providers. Customer were facing following challenges:

Timeline for this Project

2 Months

Team allocation for this Project

  • 1 Quality Assurance
  • 1 Project Manager
  • 1 Developer
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