Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” –Steve Jobs

Design is surely an important aspect for a website or web application, but to visualize the whole of it makes a huge difference. Wireframes can demonstrate what the interface elements for a design can exist on key pages.

According to — “A wireframe is a two-dimensional illustration of a page’s interface that specifically focuses on space allocation and prioritization of content, functionalities available, and intended behaviors.”

Wireframe = Blueprint

As wireframes are used in the design process at an early stage, it becomes much easier to make changes and effectuate feedback at the wireframing stage, giving it the liberty to save ample amount of time. They also allow to map out the page functionalities, detect issues at the earliest, push usability on the forefront. The design’s usability is measured throughout the development process – from wireframes to prototypes and finally to the ultimate deliverable.

“A wireframe is like a blueprint in the design process that should not be skipped, just as you wouldn’t build a house without a blueprint”

Efficiency and usability should be the end goal and wireframing is where it all starts. We need to consider the functionality for the end users and the layout of every element in detail is to be visualized pre-hand by eliminating imagery, color and such details. This ensures best User experience.

Create a better wireframe

The approach of every UX designer towards wireframing is different. Somebody loves to use the online apps and tools available, others prefer the old classic way of drawing by hand. Be it hand drawn or online ease, it largely depends on what the particular situation requires, how much emphasis is given to the visual design in a project and how much of uncertainty is to be dealt with to what is being designed. Here are 12 practical tips for creating better wireframes.

What matters after all is how effortlessly it becomes self explanatory for the client to understand the flow of the project and gives an idea about how simplified can the user interface be made without losing the core values of the project.

Wireframe Designs – not just for UX designers

Wireframes are extremely useful tool for UX designers, helping them to ensure if they are going in the right direction even before they invest ample time in complete mockups of the UI with all its design elements in place. Everybody involved in the development process can also benefit from using wireframes.


Clients and Stakeholders

The clients and stakeholders, need a simplified overall understanding of what is being developed. Wireframes help them to quickly assess if the designs are meeting their expectations, help them determine if there is any missing element, explore possible actions, and visualize how the UI elements look when they are put together.

Showing clients the wireframes can sometimes bring up potential issues or missing items that were previously
overlooked or not considered before. It is much easier and less expensive to fix issues when building wireframes than it is to try to fix problems after the code has been written.


Project Managers

PM’s use wireframes to make sure all stakeholders involved in the process are on the same page. Sharing the wireframe with everybody makes it easier for all to see where the project is going, identify problems that may arise, suggest improvements, and agree on what is going to be built. Project managers can use wireframes as a checklist as the project moves forward. This is how product managers can use wireframes in a better way.


UX Designers

UX Design is all about crafting user experiences, and it begins with Wireframing. Wireframe tools help to give a platform to bring the imaginations alive, explore new possibilities to the fullest along with being able to visualize the impact before creating one ! It lets you put your ideas on the screen and see how they interact.  There are good UX design tools available that can help to achieve the ultimate objective of an amazing user experience.



Developers use wireframes to get a fair idea of the technical requirements. It is also used to check where there is a possibility for programming and will write codes for specific functionality. A storyboard is built using several wireframes, helping developers to determine how the user would interact or how, with ease, are they going to work together. These storyboards, using wireframes, are developed to give a sense to  developers of how data
flow should be and helps to identify problem areas that may affect the flow.

5 Key reasons to use wireframes

Creating app and website wireframes is an important step to achieve exceptional UX design. Here are five key reasons why you should be using wireframe diagrams:

  • Can visualize the end first.

    Wireframe helps to visualize the end product that is to be developed. This makes sure there are no frivolous elements that would become a part of the final product, giving a clear picture of what is to be expected.

  • Helps to ensure correct values and message is created in the design

    Wireframes once created, it helps to visualize how the user is going to experience the message that is being created for a purpose. For every industry, the message to be delivered across has to be clear but not too loud enough. At the wireframing stage, it can be simpler to incorporate the correct messages at particular sections of the project.

  • Tool to keep your budget under check 

    In the initial stage of of any application/website creation, there are multiple ideas thought over. If all of them, without visualizing the end, are implemented, then comes a later realization that not everything works out the way it was perceived. It then becomes a challenge to redo the entire product, with a direct unwanted increase in the allocated budget. Wireframing gives a pre-visualization of the project, making it simpler to implement with keeping the budget in tab.

  • Incorporate feedback and encourage collaboration early

    At the inception of any new project, early inputs & feedback is required to not waste extra time and money in the wrong direction. A wireframe becomes a convenient way to easily convey ideas across to get feedback, helping in designing a better product.

  • Put more focus on usability

    Wireframes are a way of inspiring the UX designers and developers when they are analyzing the layout, with a focus on the potential product usability. With an early focus on usability, it is easier to fix issues in the design phase and much cheaper too.



Wireframing is an important aspect that can help you visualize the end first, so that there are no surprises. It helps you achieve the stringent standards as per your target audience. So be it a website, e-commerce site or business application, Ace Publishing helps their customers achieve their business objectives in budget and in time – by implementing thorough UI/UX practices.