Under normal circumstances, you would never find me boarding a ship or a cruise-boat for travel as I simply don’t feel comfortable. It’s something about the vast expanse of water that simply scares me. Even if I am standing on the edge of a sea with a beautiful beach, my brain would ignore all the beauty in front of me and would rather be over-working, creating the most contorted hypothetical situations of the scary kind.
I had the opportunity (definitely not the word of my choice prior to taking the cruise) of being on a cruise this February. It was a team outing organized by the organization to commemorate 19 years of hard work and success. An event was planned on the cruise to recognize individual performance and team achievements. I had my apprehensions of being on the cruise but I did not want to miss the event and so I straightened my back and boarded the ship! It was an exhilarating evening of fun, team-bonding and celebrating success, to say the least.
Now that I recollect my experience on board on these large, state-of-the-art cruise ships, not only do they look so magnificent, and offer world-class amenities but also manage to hide the powerful propulsion efforts and constant monitoring being done below the deck to keep it afloat and moving.
Similarly, Managed Services is all about delivering a calm, world-class experience up top, while the people in the engine and hydraulics room work purposefully and in military-like precision, away from all the gleaming lights and show, largely unacknowledged and unknown. Once in a while, as a service provider, we get a moment of acknowledgment and recognition that makes an impact and transforms our work environment but mostly we’re working away without any fanfare – strong, efficient, resilient, and enduring.
We’re never more joyful than when our customers can proceed, with cruise-like mobility, to approach their everyday organizational tasks. In any case, for them this enhanced experience simply happens, they are not exposed to the inputs made by us in terms of monetary investment, skill management, and expertise that goes into securing this experience for them. Furthermore, it hard to provide a genuine estimation of what we do, to completely value the nonstop efforts and changes that happen behind the curtains.
Also, all these arguments are swept aside when you understand that every one of these efforts is simply part of the services that an MSP has to honor, as it is a part of the contract he has signed. A client doesn’t need to make these investments – as opposed to the support systems and manpower to manage these systems he has to employ ‘on-premise’, where he needs to pay to procure, maintain, and still, after some time, even these become outdated or depleted.
Obviously, if you include constant revive and framework streamlining into any of the off-premise services models with no capital expenditure, pay-as-you-go installment models, and adaptable provisioning, the true value of a managed service provider becomes clearer to a certain degree. The same process is applicable to our clients and their customers.
The forecasts made by the Technology Services Industry Association (TSIA) is that the total spending on Information technology (IT) services worldwide in 2018 will be (in billion U.S. dollars) – $692.7bn.
While Statistics compiled by ChannelE2E have predicted that the global market for managed services is expected to grow to almost $230 billion by 2020.
As the competition becomes fierce, it’s generally overlooked and it’s simply acknowledged by client’s that they’ll be at the leading edge to receive the best, constantly, in light of the fact – it is the standard we’ve driven them to anticipate. In any case, its important for clients to keep in mind how much focus, investment, and decision making that demands.
Today, 54% of organizations offering managed services have opted to go with an independent, committed Managed Service delivery organization. Industry leaders have recognized it as a key practice in driving bottom-line profit margins with numerous advantages. This is a great advantage for small and mid-sized businesses who greatly benefit from employing an offsite MSP, as they get access to the latest technologies, talent-pool, a performance-tested automated process at a fraction of the cost & time that they would otherwise incur on setting it up ‘on-premise’.
#MSP#managedservices #SaaS #MSP&Ace #AceInfoway #CustomerFirst
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